Crosslaminated timber construction an introduction. The clt handbook is the result of a collaboration between swedish suppliers of cross laminated timber, clt, and the industry body swedish wood. Glue is applied between the layers on timber faces, but, most commonly, no glue is applied on timber edges within layers. Discuss lessons learned on some of the first clt projects in portland. We offer rib panels made from cross laminated timber clt and gluelaminated timber glulam by stora enso. Crosslaminated timber clt offers opportunities to use timber in taller structures with wider spans where designers would traditionally have used materials such as steel, concrete and masonry by default. All bsi british standards available online in electronic and print formats. Crosslaminated timber clt construction is increasingly being used for residential, commercial and public sector buildings. Reliable information about the coronavirus covid19 is available from the world health organization current situation, international travel. In order to gain wide acceptance, cross laminated timber, as a product and a system, needs to be implemented in the north american codes and standards. Cross laminated timber clt panels are relatively new engineered wood products that can be used as load bearing walls, floors and roof elements in innovative and high quality modern timber structures. Each layer of boards is usually oriented perpendicular to adjacent layers and glued on the wide faces of each board, usually in a symmetric way so that the outer layers have the same orientation.
Cross clt and diagonal dlt laminated timber as innovative material for beam elements bejtka, ireneusz on. Crosslaminated timber, typical abbreviations clt or xlam, is currently one of the most innovative product in building with wood. Mechanical properties of southern pine crosslaminated timber. Apa publication search the engineered wood association. Crosslaminated timber clt is an innovative timber product designed and processed by laminated timber solutions. Crosslaminated timber manufacturing structural design of crosslaminated timber elements seismic performance of crosslaminated timber buildings. To support a larger use of clt, the 2019 edition of the clt handbook has been completely revised and improved based on new research performed by fpinnovations and partners to reflect changes made since the 2011 edition in recent canadian codes and standards.
Cross laminated timber clt a subcategory of engineered wood is a wood panel product made from gluing layers of solidsawn lumber together. Clt elements are made up of ordinary boards, glued together in a crosslayered fashion and typically showing a symmetric layup cf. Cross laminated timber structural design basic design and engineering principles according to eurocode. Clt first conceived in western europe during the late 1980s is an innovative platelike engineered timber product, optimised for. Crosslaminated timber clt a state of the art report. Cross laminated timber clt design guide woodsolutions. Crosslaminated timber clt panels are relatively new engineered wood products that can be used as load bearing walls, floors and roof elements in innovative and high quality modern timber structures. Chapter 5 connections connections in crosslaminated. Includes information on plywood and oriented strand board wood structural panels, glulam, ijoists, structural composite lumber, typical specifications and design recommendations for floor, wall and roof systems, diaphragms, shear walls, firerated systems and. Crosslaminated timber is a solid, multilayered timber construction material. This revision includes an additional detail for floor supported on glulam beam, as well as various minor amendments.
Typically, the thickness varies between 51 and 400 mm with the width being no more than 4. Pdf crosslaminated timber clt a state of the art report. Crosslaminated timber clt a subcategory of engineered wood is a wood panel product made from gluing together layers of solidsawn lumber, i. Crosslaminated timber clt has gained traction since 2000 in the emerging green building movement. Cross clt and diagonal dlt laminated timber as innovative. Cross laminated timber clt construction is increasingly being used for residential, commercial and public sector buildings.
This site is like a library, use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want. Clt stands for cross laminated timber and is a solid wood construction product consisting of at least three bonded singlelayer panels arranged at right angles to each other. Cross laminated timber clt offers opportunities to use timber in taller structures with wider spans where designers would traditionally have used materials such as steel, concrete and masonry by defau. Analysis of mechanical properties of crosslaminated. Jan 19, 2016 cross laminated timber clt has become a wellknown engineered timber product of global interest. Developed for building professionals, the publication provides technical information and illustrates clt applications adapted.
Cross laminated timber clt structural design issuu. Not only would a concrete first floor help with damp proofing the timber components, but it would provide an. Jun 27, 2011 cross laminated timber clt has gained traction since 2000 in the emerging green building movement. These buildings typically have a combination of glulam beams and columns along with crosslaminated timber clt. Layers of lumber are laminated together in alternating directions to form a solid wood panel with high strength and dimensional stability. Cross laminated timber clt has become a wellknown engineered timber product of global interest. Comprehensive guide to engineered wood construction systems for both residential and commercialindustrial buildings. The orthogonal, laminar structure allows its application as a fullsize wall and floor element as well as a linear timber member, able to bear loads in and outofplane. This book contains technical information and illustrates clt applications adapted to current codes and standards.
Uk the scheme adopts cross laminated timber clt construction to form the full superstructure. The abbreviation cross laminated timber clt is the umbrella term for solid wood panels used in the building industry. To learn more, check out the clt handbook published by the american wood council awc, the united states u. The handbook describes cross laminated timber, clt, as a construction material, as. The limits are continually being pushed and many structures have been built and are under construction that are at or above 10 stories tall. Clt first conceived in western europe during the late 1980s is an innovative platelike engineered timber product, optimised for carrying loads in and out of plane. Department of agriculture, forest service, forest products laboratory, binational. Pdf download manual of multistorey timber construction.
All approvals and certificates can be downloaded at. Crosslaminated timber clt is a multilayered solid timber panel product manufactured to be used for wall, floor and roof elements of a buildings superstructure. The benefits of using solid wood products and structural elements in construction are increasingly recognized in canada and elsewhere. Crosslaminated timber an introduction to lowimpact building materials andy sutton and daniel black, bre pete walker, university of bath this information paper provides a broad view of the benefits and limitations of crosslaminated timber clt for those considering its use in construction projects. Structural design of cross laminated timber clt by advanced. This standard provides minimum requirements to evaluate adhesives. From five layers, clt can also include middle layers transverse layers without narrow side bonding. The american wood council has a selfstudy guide on clt that can be downloaded here. Define what cross laminated timber is, and how it is used. The dimensions and manufacturing technology of the board varies depending on the manufacturer.
This handbook provides key technical information related to the manufacturing, design and performance of clt in construction in the following areas. These buildings typically have a combination of glulam beams and columns along with cross laminated timber clt. Sep 09, 2015 cross laminated timber clt is a novel wood building material suitable for floor, roof, and wall assemblies in low and midrise construction as an alternative to concrete and steel. Cross laminated timber properties including effects of non. Crosslaminated timber clt is among the products helping drive this trend. Chul choi, a erina kojima, b kyungjung kim, a mariko yamasaki, b yasutoshi sasaki, b and seoggoo kang a, the bending strength of hybrid woodencore laminated timber hwlt, a composite material made from existing crosslaminated timber clt and plywood, was analyzed. The standard contains general information on structural glued laminated timber members that may be useful to the manufacturer and designer. Cross laminated timber clt is a highperformance massive wood product, which is predestined for load bearing applications and for utilization as structural plate in multistorey constructions. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext.
Publication details owner and publisher proholz austria working group of the austrian timber. This article provides a more detailed introduction to the applications and use of clt as a structural timber product. Fire tests on loaded crosslaminated timber wall and floor. Cross laminated timber clt is usually made by laminating three or more timber layers such that grain directions in alternate layers are at right angles to each other. Clt is composed of multiple panels that are arranged at right angles and are diagonally superimposed on top of each other. Formaldehydefree adhesive is used for laminating the individual layers. This article provides a stateoftheart report on some selected topics related to clt, in particular production and. Standard for adhesives for use in structural glued laminated timber. Click download or read online button to get clt handbook book now. It is increasingly used in multistorey structures worldwide. Clt handbook canadian edition research library think. Klh clt is a versatile building material characterized by its dimensional.
Explore how the clt building system affects other building systems compared to steel or concrete. The american wood council and fpinnovations have collaborated in the creation of the first edition of the us cross laminated timber handbook for building professionals. This latest construction manual looks at all types of timber materials, timber engineering and architecture, also presenting detailed information on current regulations and standards. With its 600 photos plus 4000 drawings and plans, the timber construction manual is a reference work in the specialist literature on timber. The future of timber construction clt cross laminated timber a study about changes, trends and technologies of tomorrow photo. The disruptive application of crosslaminated timber as. The fire behavior of cross laminated timber panels requires careful evaluation to allow the expansion of clt. Largest crosslaminated timber clt project in the pacific northwest duration. Please complete the form to access individual pdf chapters and the complete u. Pdf lateral design of crosslaminated timber buildings 4. The future of timber construction clt cross laminated. The fire behavior of crosslaminated timber panels requires careful evaluation to allow the expansion of clt.
A cross laminated timber handbook has been published by fpinnovations in canada as an introduction to clt. Us edition of clt handbook now available proud green home. Gaining ground in europe, crosslaminated timber construction is finding its way to the united states. Each layer can consist of one or more laminations of wood overlaid in perpendicular fashion.
As for other components, the fire resistance has to be verified for. Clt is characterised by timber slats glued in the form of a cross and is mainly applied for massive constructions, floor plates and wall panels. Structural design of cross laminated timber clt by. Immediate support for the design and construction systems as alternative solutions in building codes. Cross laminated timber clt offers many advantages to designers and builders. The handbook is based on the original canadian edition of the clt handbook. Clt handbook download ebook pdf, epub, tuebl, mobi.
To support a larger use of clt, the 2019 edition of the clt handbook has. We have designed the first cross laminated timber wood hotel in the united states. Crosslaminated timber clt, an innovative wood product engineered in europe, has been gaining increased popularity in residential and nonresidential applications in several countries. Describe the structural and sustainability benefits of clt. The future of timber construction clt cross laminated timber. Crosslaminated timber structural design basic design and engineering principles according to eurocode. Soccer stadium in england will be entirely built with wood the design for the alltimber venue comes from the studio of. In other words, clt is a precracked composite where. Ewps are produced by binding or fixing a raw timber material together, typically using an adhesive, to form a composite wood product. Numerous impressive buildings built around the world using clt have become a good testimony of the many advantages that the product can offer the construction sector. Introduction to cross laminated timber and development of. Clt is made from kilndried finger jointed sprucefir planks which are laid out into sheets.
The clt handbook is part of swedish woods investment in handbooks for building in wood. Clt elements are made up of ordinary boards, glued together in a cross layered fashion and typically showing a symmetric layup cf. Engineered wood products offer a strong combination of environmental. Chapter 5 connections connections in crosslaminated timber. Cross laminated timber the future of wood construction. Cross laminated timber clt is an engineered wood building system used to complement light. Cross clt and diagonal dlt laminated timber as innovative material for beam elements. Crosslaminated timber clt is a novel wood building material suitable for floor, roof, and wall assemblies in low and midrise construction as an alternative to concrete and steel. As in all wood buildings, connection designs are critical to the success of this new type of building material. The disruptive application of crosslaminated timber. See more on crosslaminated timber properties and applications.
Introducing crosslaminated timber clt to north america. Cecertificate hasslacher cross laminated timber eta120281 en. Offering a significant strength to weight ratio, improved installation speeds, reduced onsite waste and a high standard of airtightness, clt also has the advantage of being a renewable resource. A high level of structural stability is achieved by the diagonal structure of a minimum of three positions. Brandner r, flatscher g, ringhofer a, schickhofer g, thiel a. Clt normally forms the structural floor and wall element of buildings, and has been. This latest article in the ten series provides a more detailed introduction to the applications and use of clt as a structural timber product, including structural benefits and benefits to the construction process. Clt crosslaminated timber application wood building systems language english research status complete summary the clt handbook provides vital how to information on clt for the design and construction community, and is a great source of information for regulatory authorities, fire services and others. Numerous and frequentlyupdated resource results are available from this search. It can be downloaded free of charge from the website. Crosslaminated timber clt is an engineered wood product ewp generally manufactured from low grade raw materials. Analysis of mechanical properties of crosslaminated timber clt with plywood using korean larch. Clts are considered to provide good seismic resistance, fast erection times, carbon sequestration, and a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions over.
This solid engineered timber product provides advantages compared to other solid timber slabs as the dimension stability, i. Oclcs webjunction has pulled together information and resources to assist library staff as they consider how to handle coronavirus. Cross laminated timber clt is among the products helping drive this trend. Clt is a prefabricated engineered wood product made by gluing layers of solidsawn lumber or structural composite lumber. See more on expan innovation in post tension timber. Crosslaminated timber clt is a solid wood board, which is manufactured by glueing boardsbattens crosswise in several layers. Apr 29, 2020 a cross laminated timber handbook has been published by fpinnovations in canada as an introduction to clt. Laminated timber solutions crosslaminated timber clt.
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